Pinball Repair 101: Common Fixes and Solutions

Recreation & Sports Blog

Pinball machines have come a long way since their inception. Despite the advancements in technology, however, they are still machines and are prone to breakdowns. If you are a pinball enthusiast, you know how frustrating it can be when your machine starts acting up. Fortunately, many common pinball repairs are easy to do yourself if you know what to look for. In this post, we will guide you through some of the most common pinball repairs and solutions to help keep your beloved machine up and running.

Flippers Not Working

The flippers are the most important component in a pinball machine, and if they don't function correctly, the game is rendered unplayable. If you notice that your flippers are not working as they should, the first thing to do is inspect the flipper buttons. If the buttons feel mushy or non-responsive, then the issue is likely to be with the contacts inside of the buttons. A simple cleaning with a soft cloth will usually do the trick. If the buttons feel fine, the next step is to check the connection between the flipper coils and the machine's power source. Make sure the wires are tightly secured, and if this doesn't work, then it might be time to replace the flipper coils.

Dead Bumper

Bumpers are one of the most important features of any pinball machine. If you notice that one of your bumpers has stopped popping up, then the first step is to inspect the bumper cap. It might be that the cap has become worn or damaged over time. If this is the case, remove the cap and replace it with a new one. If the bumper still isn't working, then the next step is to check the bumper switch. This switch can sometimes get stuck or become outdated, so it's worth replacing it.

Slow Ball Movement

If the ball is moving slower than usual, then it's likely that the playfield has become dirty or dusty. The first step in resolving this issue is to thoroughly clean the playfield with a soft cloth. Make sure to clean each of the individual components, including the slingshots, ramp flaps, and ball guides. If the ball still moves slowly, the next step is to check the machine's power supply. Sometimes, pinball machines can develop voltage drops, which can cause performance issues. If everything appears to be running correctly, then it might be time to replace the coil sleeves.

Pinball machines can be finicky, but with a bit of knowledge, many common issues can be resolved quickly and easily. By following the tips outlined in this post, you'll be able to keep your machine running smoothly and enjoy hours of uninterrupted playtime. For more information on mobile pinball repair, contact a professional near you.


17 January 2024

Enjoying Quality Time with Those You Love

Do you desperately desire to spend more quality time outdoors with those you love this spring? If you want to enjoy the beautiful, warm weather with your loved ones this season, consider investing in some new sports equipment. For instance, you might want to buy golf balls, golf clubs, tennis balls, tennis rackets, a baseball, baseball gloves, a volleyball, a volleyball net, and a croquet set. Playing sports is a great way for family members and friends to bond while getting their heart-rates up and burning some calories. On this blog, I hope you will discover the perfect sports to play with both adult and younger family members and friends. Enjoy!